Jobs in Kenya
Internship Full Stack Mobile App Developer
**Duratio:** 8 weeks
**Compesatio:**5000 shilligs moth
**Locatio:** Nairobi
**Project Overview:**
SmartPay is a revolutioary blockchai-based...
Customer service agent
The Customer Service Aget is resposible for providig exceptioal support to customers by addressig iquiries, resolvig issues, ad esurig a positive...
Social media marketer
The Social Media Marketer is resposible for developig ad executig social media strategies to ehace brad awareess, egage with target audieces,...
Tele sales agents
Telesales Agets are resposible for sellig products or services over the phoe. They egage potetial customers, explai product beefits, hadle iquiries,...
Field Agents
Are resposible for promotig products ad services to icrease brad awareess ad drive sales. They work closely with cliets ad iteral teams to develop...
Graphic Designer Vacancy -Entertainment (Nairobi)
Graphic Desiger Vacacy! -Etertaimet (Nairobi)
Ital GLOBAL - We are a comprehesive Huma Capital ad Quality Maagemet Cosultacy firm dedicated...
Truck Driver - Construction(Nairobi).
Truck Driver (3 Positios)- Costructio(Nairobi)- Ksh.30,000
Ital GLOBAL - We are a comprehesive Huma Capital ad Quality Maagemet Cosultacy firm...
Intern Social Media Manager
We are lookig for a iter social media marketer for our startup. Cadidates should meet the followig requiremets;
. Commuicatio skills both oral...
Hospital Administrator
Job Title: Hospital Admiistrator
Job Summary:
The Hospital Admiistrator will oversee the day-to-day operatios of the hospital, esurig that services...
Sales Associate
About the cliet
Our cliet is a leadig provider of smart water solutios desiged to ehace water maagemet for developers, property maagers, ad...