Jobs in Indonesia
Software Development Engineer in Test / Test
- Bachelor degree i Computer Sciece or equivalet, preferably from a reputable uiversity (with mi GPA 2.5)
- Strog aalytical...
Account Payable Accountant
Job Descriptios:
- Preparig balace sheets, processig ivoices, providig customer service to cliets, also beig a key poit of cotact for other...
HR Industrial Relations (Logistics)
Orage provides your persoalized go-to pool of strategy plaers, creatives, ad techologists for your brad ad campaig that are't part of your daily...
QA Intern
**Key Resposibilities**:
- Lear eCommerce cocepts ad Perform alpha/beta testig o website ad eCommerce products ad processes
- Maitai techical...
Campaign Executive
**Key Resposibilities**:
- Creatig compellig headlies ad body copy that will capture the attetio of the target audiece
- Workig closely with...
Senior Project Manager
Job Itroductio
**BBC Media Actio**:
BBC Media Actio is the BBC’s iteratioal developmet orgaisatio, workig i more tha 20 coutries ad reachig...
HR Partner Senior Analyst
Provide coachig ad guidace based o a idividual's stregths, iterests, ad aspiratios. Work with HR colleagues to uderstad talet priorities ad...
Finance Processes and Systems Associate
- Focus i respodig user queries ad
- Aalyze ad do escalatio If there is ay ticket that is categorized as bugs ad require...
Application Cloud Support Senior Analyst
- Degree i Iformatio Techology, Computer Sciece or other relevat field
- Miimum of 3 years SAP SD experiece...
Application Development Senior Analyst
**Key resposibilities may iclude**:
Plaig, moitorig, ad maagig all developmet tasks.
Create developmet stadards ad checklists.