Jobs in Ghana
Classy Waitress
Greater Accra
The Classy Waitress is resposible for providig exceptioal diig experieces to guests by deliverig high-quality service i a elegat ad...
Customer Success Manager -Remote
Key Resposibilities
Develop ad maitai strog relatioships with key cliets, servig as their trusted advisor ad primary poit of cotact for all...
Kitchen Assistant
Greater Accra
The Assistat is resposible for helpig i the preparatio ad cookig a wide variety of foods, icludig meats, vegetables, ad desserts, accordig...
A vulcaizer with little or o experiece is welcome. Our services icludes Aligmet, Balacig Tyre chagig ad repairs . We are also i to sales of...
The maagemet seeks to employ sales persoel for its Bread productio. The suitable cadidate live or stay i Kasoa ad it eviromets. There is a...
Executive Secretary
Maitai executive’s ageda ad assist i plaig appoitmets, board meetigs, cofereces etc.
Atted meetigs ad keep miutes
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Front Desk Officer/Secretary
Performig office duties such as:
- Typig
- Pritig
- Photocopy
- Scaig
- Lamiatig
- Attedig to Customers
- Respodig to Calls, emails, ad...
Chinese Translators
1.Traslatig Chiese Documets ad commuicatios ito Eglish laguage.
2.Participate i aalytical meetigs.
3. Help to resolve disputes amog workers...
Factory workers
1. Feedig the raw materials ito the productio machiery
2. Packagig the Fiished Tiles before they are distributed.
3. Moitory the Productio process.
Electrical Engineer/Welder
Our job is maufacturig of idustrial machies for idustrial purposes. Maily resposible for electrical works ad weldig. We aim to brig to the all...