Jobs in United Arab Emirates
Laundry Attendant - The Abu Dhabi EDITION
Abu Dhabi
Sortig, washig, dryig, pressig, adfoldig clothig ad other textileitems.Removig stais from items usig theappropriate procedures.Performig...
Organizational Development Consultant
ResposibilitiesCoduct thorough orgaizatioalassessmets ad diagose issues to idetify opportuities forimprovemetCollaborate...
Graphic Designer
Ras Al Khaimah
Udertakes productio ofadvertisemets, hotel collateral ad otherprojects.Oversees layout ad desig ofadvertisemets, collateral ad...
Communications Technician
Roles ad resposibilitiesCommuicatios Supervisor will assistthe Guest Commuicatios Maager to provide supervisio,delegatio,...
Telephone Operator
ExperieceHavig a experiece i similarpositio for at least 12 moths with a great deal iterpersoalskills ad...
Clinical Educator
Cliicia Educator; WarreAlpert Medical School of Brow Uiversity, Providece,RIThe Divisio of IfectiousDiseases, Departmet...
We wat to build a team full of urses who really "care", who will go the extra mile for our patiets ad who treat others the way they would like to...
Packaging Specialist
Execute ew packagig developmetprojects ad esure fulfillmet of performace, quality ad costpackages requiremets.Defie ad pla...
Specification Manager
Specificatio Maager Beresford Wilso & Parters (BWP)Dubai, UAE Posted I 13/10/2013 Job...
Customer Care Representative
Efficiet ad courteous hadligof telephoe calls, provide ecessary iformatio /guidace to thecaller ad trasfer the calls to the relevat...