Jobs in Indonesia
Digital Marketing Executive
A leadig traslatio compay i Sigapore, Malaysia, ad Hog Kog, has established itself as the regioal powerhouse that helps busiesses avigate foreig...
Product Sales Manager (Recovery Boiler Solutions)
Product Sales Maager (Recovery Boiler Solutios) for Pulp ad Eergy Solutios (PES)_
- Are you iterested to be part of our wiig team i Asia Pacific?_
Product Engineer
To support ad cooperate with Product Sales team ad Mill Sales team o product techical sellig ad advice to drive sales volume, sales chael ad techical...
Senior Tax Accountant
About Sap Iovatios
Fouded i 2011, Sap Iovatios is a artificial itelligece, blockchai, fiacial tradig, ad techology solutios compay....
Manufacturing Worker (Welder)
Maufacture the orgaizatio's products accordig to productio specificatios ad schedules; volume, cost, ad wastage targets; ad quality stadards.
Manufacturing Worker
Maufacture the orgaizatio's products accordig to productio specificatios ad schedules; volume, cost, ad wastage targets; ad quality stadards.
Administration & Accounting Head
Support ad cotrol operatios to achieve optimal profit.
- Esure brach admiistratio rus accordig to the established SOPs.
- Miimum educatio: D3/S1...
Bill of Material (Estimator)
Aalyzig techical drawigs ad product specificatios
- Calculatig raw material requiremets based o the provided desigs ad specificatios
- Estimatig...
Senior Process Engineer
Resposible to drive ad ow the system to deliver Productio Optimizatio i full cycle Pla, Do, Check, ad Adjust. Perform regular research o processes...
Marketing Strategy Plan Officer
Create a marketig strategy to lauch ad market products
- Collect ad aalyze market data
- Braistorm iovative marketig campaigs
- Develop specific...