Jobs in Indonesia
Economics Teacher for Highfield Secondary School
Highfield Dure Sawit is lookig for a Ecoomics teacher
- Bachelor Degree (S1) or Master Degree (S2) i Ecoomics Major from a reputable...
Fullstack Developer
Coductig all uit testig o the system that has bee made to team.
Create ad implemet programmig logic to develop IT system.
Bachelor's degree...
Physical Education Teacher
Highfield Secodary School Dure Sawit is curretly lookig for: PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER
- Bachelor Degree (S1) or Master Degree...
Technology Associate Program (It)
Techology Associate Program (TAP) IT will go through itesive traiig ad OJT with the goal of urturig their leadership skills, teamwork abilities,...
Junior 3D Animation
Job Descriptio:
- Desig Developmet & Visual presetatio: 3D presetatio with proportio, dimesio & scale, icludig mood boards ad material samples...
DevOps Engineer - Digital It
Desig ad develop CI/CD
Avoid the availability of services drop whe performig deploymets.
Hads-o experiece with at least oe of the programmig...
Digital Marketing - Performance Marketing
Job Descriptio:
- Measure ad optimize the performace of campaigs o a daily basis by usig Google Aalytics, Google data studio, Google Ads Dashboard...
Commissioning Engineer
Systems Aalysis
- Uderstad the desig cocept ad itet by reviewig mechaical or electrical costructio documetatio, icludig drawigs, specificatios,...
Software Tester or Quality Assurance (Automation)
Age ...
.NET Developer
- Age ...