Jobs near Letsitele
Letsitele, Greater Tzaneen
Letsitele area – Limpopo: Our client is looking for an Operations Manager to join the team. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning,...
Head of Processing Africa
Head of Processig Africa
Purpose of the role:
Esure that all value-add facilities related activities are udertake...
Sales Representative Tzaneen
Tzaneen, Greater Tzaneen
Reference: CTE026225-CHJ-1 A highly specialized company dedicated to the manufacturing and installation of cutting-edge machinery, leveraging advanced...
Stock Controller Tzaneen
Stock CotrollerWe are seekig a detail-orieted ad orgaized Stock Cotroller to joi the team at our Magoebaskloof Hotel, located i Magoebaskloof...
Financial Manager Letsitele
Fiacial Maager OpportuityOur cliet i the Agricultural Idustry, Letsitele, has a opportuity for a Fiacial Maager to joi their team...
Assistant Reserve Manager
Assistat Reserve Maager.
17 500 HA Big 5 Game Reserve Gravelotte area Limpopo
Reserve Maagemet & Reserve Maiteace
Coservatio of aimals ad...