Jobs near Quezon City
Payroll / Accountant
- Provide ed to ed accoutig support to multiple offshore cliets.
- Prepare...
HR Officer
Quezon City
**Duties & Resposibilities**
- Process the recruitmet ad placemet of ew staff as required;
- Develop, coordiate ad coduct employee performace...
Sales and Marketing Manager
- Develop ad execute Sales ad Marketig Strategy
- Maage the ed-to-ed eterprise sales process ad resource to create ad execute...
Talent Acquisition Associate
- **Required skill(s): marketig activities coordiatio, Recruitmet ad Placemet**:
- **With or without work experiece with recruitmet.**:
Sales Account Officer
- Required laguage(s): Eglish, Filipio
- Required Skill(s): Strog Sellig ad Negotiatio skills, Passioate ad Drive, Commuicatio...
OTC Analyst
Quezon City
The Fiace & Admi Busiess Aalyst is essetial to the ogoig profitable operatios for oe of the most globally recogized ad respected...
Logistics Staff
- Resposible for closely moitorig iboud, iteral trasfer ad outboud deliveries of items
- Schedulig ad eforcemet of Productio...
Accounting Intern Onsite
Job Summary
Our firm is lookig for a motivated ad ethusiastic Accoutig Iter to joi our staff. I this role, you will gai experiece ad lear...
Staff Nurse, Rn
Quezon City
1. Performs direct patiet care as idicated.
2. Prepares, admiisters ad supervises patiet care for each assiged patiet.
3. Assist the Head Nurse...
Accounting Assistant
Job Summary:
Resposible for the preparatio of cheque request ad paymet to retals ad suppliers, petty cash repleishmet, ad all related disbursemets...