Jobs near General Santos
Brand Promoter
General Santos
Helps the dealers i makig sales through demostratio of products ad push less movig products at the store.
- Be totally coversat with the product...
Recruitment Staff
General Santos
- Coordiate hirig activities
- Prepares the ecessary boardig forms
- Prepare ad post job ads olie
- Help...
Recruitment Staff
General Santos
- Coordiate hirig activities
- Prepares the ecessary boardig forms
- Prepare ad post job ads olie
- Help...
Warehouse Encoder
General Santos
Job descriptio
**Job Descriptio**:
The ecoder is resposible for the ecodig of the Fiished Goods ad Bad Stocks trasactio i the system. He or...
Branch Sales & Marketing Associate
General Santos
The Marketig Assistat provides support i the implemetatio of Marketig strategies ad Sales programs desiged to achieve the goals of...
Company Nurse
General Santos
Job Qualificatios:
- a graduate of Bs i Nursig
- Preferably a registered Nurse.
- With basic traiig course i Occupatioal Safety & Health
- Willig...
Frozen Loins In-charge (Inbound)
General Santos
Job Resposibilities:
- Esures proper documetatio of fiished products movemet iside the cold storage.
- Esures that all eeded materials for receivig...
Frozen Steak Line Coordinator
General Santos
**Job Requiremets**:
Kowledgeable o maufacturig processes, ability to lead, trai, ad motivates subordiates. Physically fit to work, efficiet ad...
General Santos
- Graduate of ay automotive course
- With NC1 ad NC2 certificatio
- With at least 3 years of experiece i the same field
- Kowledgeable...
Warehouse and Logistics Supervisor
General Santos
Job descriptio
Warehouse Supervisors oversee ad coordiate daily warehouse activities such as receivig ad storig goods, maagig...