Jobs near Dasmariñas
Sales And Marketing Assistant (Paranaque)
A sales ad marketig assistat supports the sales ad marketig departmets of a compay by performig admiistrative ad creative tasks. They help with...
Project Engineer (Paranaque)
A project egieer maages the techical aspects of a project, from plaig to executio. They work o large-scale projects, such as ifrastructure, ad...
Credit & Collection Officer (Paranaque)
A credit ad collectio officer maages a compay's billig ad collectio processes. They esure that cliets receive bills o time, ad they take actio...
Billing Officer (Paranaque)
A billig officer, also kow as a billig specialist, prepares ad seds ivoices, tracks paymets, ad resolves billig issues. They also maitai billig...
Demand Planner (Paranaque)
A demad plaer is a supply chai professioal who uses data aalysis ad forecastig to predict future demad for a compay's products or services. They...
Software Developer (Paranaque)
A software developer desigs, builds, ad maitais computer programs ad software applicatios. They work to create software systems that power devices...
Inventory Manager (Paranaque)
A ivetory maager's job is to esure a busiess has the right products i stock at the right time. They do this by maagig ivetory levels, purchasig...
Warehouse Manager (Paranaque)
A warehouse maager is resposible for the day-to-day operatios of a warehouse, icludig ivetory maagemet, shippig ad receivig, ad equipmet...
OSH Officer (Paranaque)
Required skills ad qualificatios:
Techical kowledge:
Thorough uderstadig of OSH priciples, relevat legislatio, ad idustry safety stadards....
AP Manager (Paranaque)
Required skills ad qualificatios:
Strog uderstadig of accoutig priciples ad practices related to accouts payable
Experiece with accoutig...