Jobs near Nairobi
Tana - Founders Association
We are lookig for a Fouders Associate to work closely with the cofouders, helpig to keep the busiess ruig smoothly. You will help keep the team...
Tana - Training Lead
As Traiig Lead, you will play a critical role i esurig our talet is well-prepared for success i their cliet placemets ad beyod. You will take...
Tana - Talent Success Lead
At Taa, we believe that your skills ad your character defie you ot where i the world you were bor. Africa has the fastest-growig workforce i the...
Keep it Cool - Junior Graphic Designer
We are lookig for a taleted ad motivated Juior Graphic Desiger with a strog ability to create visually compellig desigs ad edit videos. This role...
Hydrobox - Finance Assistant
Job Overview: As a Fiace Assistat at Hydrobox Group, icludig Yetu Smart Grids, Magiro Hydroelectricity Limited ad Hydrobox Ifrastructures SEZ, the...
Telesales Rep
Missio Statemet for the Role: Exceed your sales umbers through exceptioal telephoe salesmaship, creatig leads, iitiatig prospect calls, ad establishig...
Litigation and Conveyancing Advocate
Litigatio & Coveyacig Advocate Vacacy- Nairobi
Emerge Egress Cosultig is a HR Maagemet & Traiig Cosultig Firm established i 2017 based...
Sales Agronomist
Job Summary
We are seekig a kowledgeable ad passioate Sales Agroomist to joi our team ad promote our agricultural solutios to farmers ad growers....
Driver Position
The key role of the driver is to drive staff members ad guests safely,
esures Vehicle is efficietly maitaied, atted office work as
assiged ad demostrates...
Mechanical Engineer Manager
Job brief
We are lookig for a creative Mechaical Egieer to work o all product stages from research ad developmet to desig ad maufacture, through...