Jobs in Indonesia
QA Engineer
Create tests sceario idetify software problems
Aalyze bugs ad errors foud durig tests
Recommed improvemets i software to ehace user experiece
Head of Product
Uderstad the problems, eeds, ad desires of users i order to formulate a roadmap that gives the compay a competitive edge i their market.
- Idetify...
Accounting Staff
- Male/Female
- Graduated from Uiversity / College (S1/D3)
- Miimum 2 years experieces i accoutig
- Able to speak eglish
- Have good...
Education Consultant
**Miimum Qualificatios**:
- Bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree i ay major
- Iterested i educatio ad study abroad
- Excellet writte ad...
Groupm Billing Executive
I this role, you will be resposible for raisig Ivoices ad sed to cliet (Ivoice costig, ivoice trackig rate card verificatio, pla recociliatio,...
External Student Affairs Officer
Carry out activities relatig to studet career developmet, as well as quatitative ad qualitative graduate user research
Miimum bachelor degree i...
Sales Representative
Operate as the poit of cotact ad commuicatio for prospects ad assiged exteral parties-especially educatioal parters to develop ad maitai beeficial...
Sales Marketing / Branding / Business Development
Idetify potetial busiess opportuities to icrease reveue
Achieve sales target
Maitai ad improve relatioship with existig customers as well...
Groupm Services Manager Data Analytics & Reporting
**GroupM Services **Resposibilities**
The GroupM Services team adopt a collaborative ad customer-cetric
approach i deliverig high-value ad iovative...
Business Development & Partnership Executive
Buildig cooperatio with various istitutios ad maitaiig good relatios with parters.
- Workig o projects together with our maagemet team, product...