Jobs in Indonesia
Senior Analyst
Bachelor degree i ay relevat fields
Havig miimum 5 years of experiece i Data Aalyst
Strog i SQL, Tableau, BigQuery, Pytho & R,...
Operations - Shopee Xpress, Storing and Laka
LevelEtry Level
LocatioIdoesia - Jakarta
The Operatio teams at Shopee covers the operatioal ed-to-ed process, from whe...
Java Developer
Develop ad test software
Create detailed desig documetatio
Write well desiged, testable code
Experiece i Sprig Boot Framework, Postgresql Data...
Reliability Eia Engineer
Wat to build a stroger, more sustaiable future ad cultivate your career? Joi Cargill's global team of 155,000 employees who are committed to safe,...
IT Infrastructure & Security Senior Manager
**Key Resposibilities**:
- To develop, maage ad support the IT ifrastructure coectig remote offices, users ad home based staff to busiess systems...
Lead QA (Quality Assurance) - Automation
Lead ad trai team to have a QA midset ad how to grow as a QA
Participate i the desig, developmet, documetatio, aalysis ad testig of assiged...
Senior Pm Executive
We go beyod the obvious, usig itelligece, passio ad creativity to ispire ew thikig ad shape the world we live i.
- To start a career that is...
Pr Officer - Skystar Ventures
Plaig, developig, ad implemetig PR Strategies for Skystar Vetures
Maagig media publicatios, media coverage, press coferece, ad press release...
Product Manager
**What you'll do**:
Workig closely with product team, busiess team ad others departmet to implemet ew features ad ehacemets
Idetify root cause...
Product Manager
ChatDaddy Product Maagers work with cross-fuctioal teams of egieers, desigers, ad researchers to build products. We are lookig for extremely etrepreeurial...