Hitachi Vantara Corporation
Senior Project Manager - Grid integration
Job Location
arese, Italy
Job Description
Description L ead the e x ecu t ion of medium- s ize to large p r ojects or project portfolio and ensu r e th a t all r el a ted ac t ivi t ies a r e performed in ac c o r dance with Hitachi Energy polic y , c o n tractual agreeme n ts, quality s tanda r ds, health, safety & e n vironme n t requi r ements, financial targets, as w ell as schedule commitme n ts. Main Accountabilities: Project Leadership: L eads the p r oject t eam alloc a t ed t o the p r oject, defining m a in guidelines, alloc a t ing p r oject tasks, and mo t iv a t ing and moni t oring in t ernal and ex t ernal r esou r c es t o a cc omplish all tasks and miles t ones. P r ovides per f orman ce f eedback rega r ding alloc a t ed r esou r ces working on p r ojects. Planning and Scheduling: Defines, jointly wi t h the P r oject C ont r ols department, all p r oject plan documents, including s c ope and financial plans, schedule and risk management plans. Project execution and control: Ensu r es th a t the p r oject f ollows execu t ion best prac t ices and Hitachi Energy policies. Ef f ec t ively moni t ors and c ont r ols p r oject p r og r e s s and efficient r esou r c e u t iliz a t ion. Moni t ors and c ont r ols p r oject financials, overseeing p r oject i n voicing st a tus, c ost, expenses and cash flo w . Iden t ifies, qualifies, quan t ifies and m a nages p r oject risks, and ensu r es t h a t all opportuni t ies a r e iden t ified and pursued. Captu r es, analyses and sha r es le s sons learned th r oughout t he p r oject. Ensu r es th a t the p r oject is f ormally closed out, as c ontractually ag r eed. Drives the f ormal a cc eptan c e of the p r oject, c ontract close-out and its acknowledgement by the c us t ome r . Contract claims and procurement management: Ensures that the project consistently applies contract and claims management, in a cc o r dance with Hitachi Energy policies and c o n tractual ag r eements. C oo r din a t es with Supply Ch a in Management, and su cc e s sfully p r ocu r es r equi r ed servi c es, m at erials and equipment f or the p r oject f r om ex t ernal and in t ernal suppliers. Support Supply Ch a in Management in supplier nego ti a t ions, cl a ims and p r oject changes; Stakeholder relations: Acts as k ey c ontact f or the cus t omer and an escala t ion point f or p r oject i s sues. Builds and m a int a ins st r ong r el a t ionships with in t ernal and ex t ernal sta k eholders and ef f ec t ively c ommunic a t es with all sta k eholders. Health, safety, and environment (HSE): Ensu r es the p r oject f ollows and c omplies with c ompa n y health, sa f et y , and e n vi r onmental policies. Requirements: Bachelor's/Master’s degree in an engineering field; At least 8 years of experience in project management of medium size projects with a focus on EPC project, in addition to experience working on construction sites; experience in Electrical System industry (T&D or Power Generation) is an advantage; Experience managing projects under different contractual models both in italian public and private sector (i.e FIDIC, Codice dei Contratti Pubblici). Fluent in English; mother tongue Italian Good knowledge of Microsoft Office, SAP and Microsoft Project. Proactive and highly organized, experience in coordinating team also in remote locations; Available to travel nationally & internationally, as needed (average 25%); Previous experience with Italian utilities is a plus (Terna/Enel/Edison) J-18808-Ljbffr
Location: arese, IT
Posted Date: 2/5/2025
Location: arese, IT
Posted Date: 2/5/2025
Contact Information
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